• Police refuses to file a FIR

One of my friend approached police station to file a FIR on pickpocketing of phone, his phone was picked from his pocket while commuting on a BMTC bus. They refused to take his complaint against an unknown pickpocket,when he insisted that they register complaint and give a copy of the FIR, a policeman who was present at the station instead asked 'Why are you travelling by a BMTC bus. You have a costly iPhone. You should be travelling by a car'."deputy commissioner of police (south-east) also blamed him for negligence when contacted on phone. 

Now is it possible to file a PIL in high court on this? If we write a letter to registrar on the same then will court accept it as a PIL?
Asked 11 years ago in Constitutional Law

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1 Answer

PIL cannot be filed as the grievance of your friend is an individual grievance. He can of course move the HC for getting the FIR registered, albeit it will not be a PIL. So the question of a letter being accepted as a PIL does not arise. Alternatively, he may move the city criminal court for registration of FIR.

Ashish Davessar
Advocate, Jaipur
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