• Actions against sibling


My sister has been secretly having an affair with a boy of different caste/social background without any of our knowledge since last four years. All the while asking my parents to look for prospective grooms in our community. And rejecting them on one reason or other. Recently her affair came to light and we told her it's unacceptable to us but she is free to do as she likes. Since then she has been emotionally and psychologically abusing my parents to accept that guy and marry her with all pomp and glory. That boy also bragged into our house unannounced to for us. He even sent me a abusive mail for advicing my sister against this relationship. My parents are old and have health issues. She and that boy are causing too much tensions. Is there any legal action we can take against them to stop their harassment! Just want to be left alone.
Asked 7 years ago in Family Law
Religion: Hindu

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7 Answers

1) your parents can issue legal notice to daughter not to disturb their peaceful possession of the house

2)file suit and seek injunction restraining their daughter from disturbing their peaceful possession of the house

3 also file police complaint against their daughter and their fiancee

4they can execute will bequeathing property to whom soever they so desire

Ajay Sethi
Advocate, Mumbai
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1. Your sister appears to be adult enough to take her own decisions.

2. If the boy is not of criminal background and is serious abut your sister then better avoid interfering in their private matters.

3. If your sister is adamant then you can stop her from marrying her own Prince Charming. On the contrary you will remain villain for whole of your life.

4.So if you cna take this then keep distance form them. I am sure they would not harass you anymore then.

Devajyoti Barman
Advocate, Kolkata
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504 Consultations

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1. There are two issues in your matter.

2. One is your sister's wishing to marry a boy of her ow choice against your wish and the other is the harassment meted by your sister and her fiancee forcing you to accept her fiancee as her prospective groom and arrange to the marriage with pomp and show.

3. In the 1st case, your sister is an adult person and can marry anybody she wishes to with or without the consent of her family members for which no body can restrain her legally.

4. In the 2nd case your parents and you are at liberty to accept of reject the fiancee of your sister as her prospective groom for which they can not insist or demand.

5. So, if you find that they are continuing to harass you, audio/video record the same and lodge a police complaint against both of them for abusing and harassing the entire family including your aged parents demanding that you all should spend huge sum of amount to arrange for their marriage.

Krishna Kishore Ganguly
Advocate, Kolkata
27330 Answers
726 Consultations

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If you or your parents do not approve her proposal to marry a person of different community and if you feel this would be against your family's name or reputation, you may inform your sister that she is at liberty to marry anyone of her choice but she should leave the house to fulfill her desire.

Your parents may strictly inform her that she will not be allowed to stay in the house to carry on the proposed wedding with the groom against their wishes, hence she should leave the house.

You all can stop talking or having any relationship with her, ignore her in the same house itself, do not entertain any demand from her for anything besides this.

You cannot compel her to abide by your dictates in this regard because she is an adult and she has rights to choose her life.

Legally you cannot stop her from going ahead with her proposal, if the property belongs to yor parents, they may ask her to leave the hose and may also restrict her boy friend's entry into the house.

If he indulges in any undesirable activity agaisnt your parents or you, a criminal complaint may be lodged agaisnt him for this offence.

T Kalaiselvan
Advocate, Vellore
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sell the house as you are absolute owner of the house

2) you can shift your parents to the rented accommodation

3) change the locks of the house

4) your parents should obtain restraint order against their daughter and her boy friend

Ajay Sethi
Advocate, Mumbai
96030 Answers
7714 Consultations

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If she has taken the keys and not returning, then you may change the lock and put new keys to the house.

If the nuisance of her boyfriend visiting the house and harassing your parents continues, lodge a criminal complaint against him for criminal trespass, intimidation, abuses, and different other offences with the local police, who will warn him or even may register FIR agaisnt him so that he realises the music of law.

T Kalaiselvan
Advocate, Vellore
86230 Answers
2289 Consultations

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1. Lodge a police complaint against her and her boy friend alleging that they are trying to grab your property.

2. Also file a petition before the Court and obtain an order restraining your sister and her fiancee to enter in to your house.

3. Send copy of the said order to the local police station and in case she further arrives, telephone the police who will take immediate action to protect you.

4. It will be prudent on your part to make a duplicate key of your house duly informing the police about the same in writing.

Krishna Kishore Ganguly
Advocate, Kolkata
27330 Answers
726 Consultations

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