• Mental harassment by inlaws and husband

Hello sir , its been just 6 months to my wedding and my husband harasses me by being out almost each night , also his parents do not give me food and do not let me cook , even though we come from a well off family , there is no domestic help , no part -timer and am expected to clean and wash my room , in-spite of doing that there is harassment such that they do not give me food or fruits and have never behaved nicely with my family , my husband repeatedly wants to send me to my natives , such that even now i am at my parents place and he is out each day and comes back at 3 or 4 in the morning , in-spite of bringing it to his parents notice repeatedly no action has been taken , he is physically not interested in me . till date each day my parents send dinner for me as my mother in law refuses to give me food , the guy knows about the situation but does not want to take nay action . i think suicide is the only resort as i cant apply for separation, as my father will never take me back. 

is there any law which can help me ? anything under women cell
Asked 7 years ago in Family Law
Religion: Hindu

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5 Answers

1) File pol;ice complaint under section 498A of IPC against your husband and mother in law for continuous acts of cruelty

2)also file DV case against husband and seek alternative accommodation , maintenance , compensation from husband

Ajay Sethi
Advocate, Mumbai
96559 Answers
7784 Consultations

Dear Concerned,

You issues are indeed concerning, however IF you are educated enough to set your career line - it is suggested that you start working. The day you step out of your house to work you will fee independent and it may also help in binding up the current relationships.

Additionally if you file for separation (can not file before one year of marriage) then you dont have to look at your parents as you would be independent.

You do have a choice of filing Domestic Violence and Cruelty case against your husband and his family however before going legal think of the future ahead.

It is suggested to speak to us for a free consulting on your subject for suggesting you the ways out.

Best of Luck. Stay Blessed

Atulay Nehra
Advocate, Noida
1311 Answers
58 Consultations


yes there are laws to help you

first you collect courage to walk to your next police station and file a complaint and ask the cops to take an FIR against your husband and in laws.You can also complaint in women cell, find out if one atatche dto yourpolice station, if not ifnd it from the cops.

You can also file for domestic violence complaint which can be initiated from the police station through a protection officer

You can file for a divorce on grounds of extreme cruelty as your marriage not yet one year.for this engae a lawyer who helps you by knowing your present situation

Thresiamma G. Mathew
Advocate, Mumbai
1645 Answers
212 Consultations

1. That for the physical and mental harassment done to you, you can file criminal case u/s 498 A OF IPC.

2.You can also file a case under PWDV Act for maintenance.

3. Please Note that unless your husband and inlaws reform themselves you have either the option of seeking legal intervention or bearing the agony in silence.

4.After 1 year you can also seek divorce.

Devajyoti Barman
Advocate, Kolkata
23151 Answers
509 Consultations

You can file a domestic violence case against your husband and mother in law seeking protection, residence, food, maintenance and compensation etc.

If there is a demand for dowry then you can lodge a criminal complaint with the local police for this offence.

If you are educated and able to get employed anywhere, you can walk out of your matrimonial home, live separately without depending on any for your sustenance.

The women cell or the law can only pass orders but they cannot force your unwilling husband to have relationship with you agaisnt his wishes.

T Kalaiselvan
Advocate, Vellore
86760 Answers
2318 Consultations

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