You should proceed against the builder in either
a) the state consumer forum (If the value of property plus compensation is less than 1 crore)
b) at National consumer Dispute Redressal commission(if the value of property plus compensation is greater than 1 crore)
and claim the following
1) Interest for monies paid from agreement of sale till date of judgment(Currently NCDRC grants10% P.A Simple interest) and
2) Costs of alternative accommodation as per your agreement of sale and
3) Costs(legal).
All consumer forum's are aggressive and in favour of consumer and many builder's like L&T, Shobha,, Parsavnath, Unitech etc have been taken to task for delayed promises and failure to adhere to terms stipulated in agreement of sale.
In your case the hand over date is June 2016 and the grace period is 6 months which means the builder has to technically complete his deliverable's by December 2016
Next steps:
1) Please issue a legal notice to the builder and
2) Based on his reply, you should file in State commission or National COnsumer Dispute Redressal commission as early as possible.
Filing in State commission and National consumer Dispute redressal commission has its own advantages and the details are as follows:
a) Lower court fees(4000 in state commission and 5000 in NCDRC)
b) Faster time lines for commission proceedings and
c) Appeals(Orders of state commission are appealed in NCDRC and orders of NCDRC can be appealed in Supreme court only and
d) State commission is headed by Retired High court judges and NCDRC by retired supreme court judges and hence it will be a night mare for any builder if you approach these commissions and
e) No requirement of your personal attendance (your lawyer will alone represent your case)
f) Compared to Civil court rules of practice, the practice rules of consumer forum is that even a layman can file a complaint and argue his case without knowledge of law.
Hope this information is useful