• Do i have a chance of claim in my Grandfather's property?

Namaste sir,
my father has been fighting a case in Andhra Pradesh court with his brother`s daughters and their respective husbands for share in joint property which was never divided after my Grandfather`s death.My grandfather had 2 sons & 3 Daughters,out of which my father`s elder brother died in 1991 may n from there on the dispute has started.
according to law here even daughters have equal rights in property so that means 5 equal shares right?
but heard that grandsons also have a say in property claim so do I have chance of claim or not plz guide.
Asked 11 years ago in Property Law

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4 Answers

u will get share in the property which is allotted to ur father

Anil Kumar
Advocate, Bangalore
35 Answers
6 Consultations

repeated query already replied

Ajay Sethi
Advocate, Mumbai
97918 Answers
7942 Consultations

If a person claiming from through their father and the father is deceased then the grandsons/daughters have right to approach court and claim respective shares

Setu Niket
Advocate, New Delhi
47 Answers
20 Consultations

You have rightly stated that as per the law prevailing in Andhra Pradesh the daughters also have a share in the property that is ancestral. In view of the fact that the property is ancestral you also have an equal share in the property which you can cull out by filing a case for property division.

Ashish Davessar
Advocate, Jaipur
30814 Answers
974 Consultations

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