• Service Law, Maharashtra University Act, 1994

Dear Sir,
 Is there any procedure in service law to change the OPEN category to the RESERVED one especially after probation period by an open candidate as a teacher in senior college? Is such termination valid by getting simple termination notice of one month only? The post is respected with University of Pune.
 Please give some details about this case and give the reference of laws.
Asked 7 years ago in Civil Law

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2 Answers

Appointment of teachers initially is made on probation period of two years. The Principal is supposed to maintain six monthly confidential reports. If the reports indicate non-satisfactory work of the teacher, law permits university to terminate the services of a teacher of probation without assigning any reasons.

2) The Maharashtra Universities Act, 1994 enables such an employee to approach the University and College Tribunal by way of appeal.

Ajay Sethi
Advocate, Mumbai
96561 Answers
7784 Consultations

1. The appointment and termination depends on the service Rules of the University.

2.So you will have to check the Act/Rules to find out the notice period.

3. During probation the candidate has no vested right to challenge the termination if his job is not confirmed.

4.if you disclose the background facts like joining letter.termination letter etc then further advice can be given.

Devajyoti Barman
Advocate, Kolkata
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