Property dispute - trespassing
My mama and aunt are in property dispute with Mama's brother and his wife. The dispute includes their two houses in Solapur, Maharashtra where both families used to stay separately. They have other property in Mudhol in Bagalkot district in Karnataka. In Mudhol in the same compound they have two houses, a small with 2 bedrooms and bigger with 3 bedrooms. My mama is 84 and aunt 68. They are still fit to walk around. Approaching a court today will take years to get the results.
Since bother's wife and brother used to harass them by not giving access to municipal water connections, terrace etc, we suggested them to move to Mudhol.
We were interested in getting it sorted out amicably but the other party has different plan. Since my mama does not have children they want to take control of the entire property.
Yesterday, the other brothers cousin etc visited Mudhol and entered into their house by breaking main gate lock and main door lock when mama and aunt were out of town.
First thing that we have asked to do is file a FIR. Is it the right way? Guidance is appreciated.
Asked 10 years ago in Property Law
1. The house was broken in daylight and no one will dare to do this without knowledge of police.
2. One of the consin's brother is Judge in Bangalore and we suspect he is planning all this. what else could be possible plan as per law.
3. How much time does such cases take to get resolved.
Asked 10 years ago
As discussed we went ahead and tried to file a FIR. Without going home we went straight to the police station.
Took the police team with us and went home. Talking to the DCP of the area made sure police accompanied us.
When the police asked the brothers wife and her son how did they enter house, she said that she broke the lock and entered. They asked her to show her how she broken the lock and asked her to broke another lock.
Obviously the old lady and her son could not. Then she confessed that she did take help from a farmer working in the judge's farm.
Then she said that there is a law which allows the co-owner of the plot/property to break in if he is not allowed to get into the house. Is it so? What is the law.
All this while the old lady and her son were staying in Solapur house and troubled my Aunt and mama. Now when they shifted to Mudhol house, she is making visits to this place and creating fights.
The judge and Mama's other cousin brothers son want to just let the fights happen so that these property owners die one day without any division etc and capture the properties.
Detailed Advice appreciated.
Asked 10 years ago
From the information I have gathered I understand following..
The old lady has filed a complaint to the police station that she used to stay in the same house and has been thrown out by my mama & aunt. After which my mama and aunt went out of town and hence she had to break in.
The fact is the old lady and her son stay in Solapur and come to Mudhol once in 3-4 months just to fight and ask for money. She does not have any source of income. Whatever income comes from farms my uncle gives her and takes her signature.
They do not carry mobile and hence can not get their location but they must be paying electricity bills etc at Solapur.
My mama & aunt stay at mudhol and have all the phone bills, electricity bills and municipal bills paid in their name.
We took police along with us and police asked her how she broke in when she and her son are so weak. So she was quick to say that she asked for a help from passerby.
Police has recorded this conversation but has not given us any punchanama papers. They have just noted the complaint and given us receipt. I think its LC. Do I also ask for a copy of complaint filed by old lady?
What are the penal code sections which prohibit person from forcefully entering the home even though he is a co-owner in the property? I can tell this to the local lawyers.
We have received a notice saying that the property is in dispute and has names of both brothers and can not be sold. The local lawyers are saying we will receive another notice of suit for partition. Shall we wait till it comes?
If no serious complaints are made those people will get away and may cause bigger problems in future.
Asked 10 years ago
Further to the this case following has taken place. The other party was not ready to solve the matter with discussion and has taken the case to the local court.
Following is being disputed..
1. A house in Solapur (Maharashtra) and a farm land near Solapur.
2. A house in Mudhol (Karnataka) and a farm near Mudhol.
We are ok if the farm land is divided 50-50 between both parties do not feel that the houses too should be divided 50-50 at both places. Solapur house valuation is more and we have suggested the other party to take the same. If the house too is divided 50-50 the other party will get a chance to keep meddling in daily affairs and keep creating nuisance.
For this vary reason Mama and aunt left Solapur and settled in Modhol. The other party was staying in neighboring house in Solapur and there used to be issues always. After shifting here 4-5 years before at least daily fights are not happening.
Our local lawyer says that the court will divide all properties 50-50 and you will have to accept it. But on the other hand we feel if that happens the dispute will not end and will go on and on. They will create problems in their daily life and also will not allow them to sell the house so easily.
If both parties are separated they can live their life as they want. Why would court not understand or accept this?
Asked 7 years ago