As per Muslim law the entire property cannot be bequeathed by a will to the beneficiary
The law on Muslim wills is different from the law governing wills made by Hindus or those made under Indian Succession Act, 1925. This is because, under Muslim Law, testamentary disposition of property is considered to be divine in nature and draws on the Quran.
According to the Shariat law, a person can only leave one-third of their property to anyone they wish. The remaining two-thirds will, by law, go to their heir or heirs, equally shared between them.
Now, this is in case the person has more than one heir, and would like to leave an asset or property to just one of them. Although he can make a will asserting the fact that heir 1 will receive the asset, it will not be valid unless, after his death, heir 2 is willing to sign over the rights to heir 1.
However, one can always leave the one-third of their asset to anyone (and even heir 1), since it is acceptable, and does not require anybody’s consent.
Therefore you should know what can be done to get the properties transferred to you five people alone.
Your mother can execute a Hiba or gift deed in respect of the entire property to devolve on all five people alone and can transfer the same immediately or by a settlement deed holding lifetime interest in it.