• Land ceiling act of maharashtra

II have the following queries :-

1] I would like to know about the present lan ceiling for agricultural land prevailing on maharashtra .

2] Whether a company/ partnership firm operating in the business of agriculture also comes under the ceiling act or they are exempted .

3] Does the government count all the lands held by an individual in different states under the land ceiling act or they are assessed saperately as per the ceilings of respective states .

4] If a person has excess land than as mentioned in ceiling then what happens.
Asked 8 years ago in Property Law
Religion: Hindu

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5 Answers

in Maharashtra ceiling for dry land is 21.85 hectares

irrigated with one crop is 10.93 hectares

irrigated with 2 crops is 7.28 hectares

2) According to section 63 of The Bombay Tenancy & Agricultural Lands Act, 1948.

No sale of agricultural land is valid in favour of a person who is not an agriculturist. However Revenue officer authorised by Government in this behalf may grant permission for such sale under some conditions.*

3) due to provisions made in the Section 63 of the Act, company cannot buy agricultural land for agricultural purpose.

4) If you are purchasing agricultural land on behalf of company for agricultural use you are liable for action under section 84 C of of The Bombay Tenancy & Agricultural Lands Act, 1948. According to this section if it is observed that transfer of land is made against any provisions made in the act under the circumstances land shall vest in the State Government.

Ajay Sethi
Advocate, Mumbai
97951 Answers
7943 Consultations

in Gujarat ceiling is as follows

4.05 to 7.29 irrigated with 2 crops

06.07 to 10.93 irrigated with one crop

08.09 to 21.85 dry land

2) you can make inquires with authorities as to whether assessment would be done individually or not

Ajay Sethi
Advocate, Mumbai
97951 Answers
7943 Consultations

This question relates to special local laws, hence only a Maharashtra based lawyer can answer this.

Ashish Davessar
Advocate, Jaipur
30814 Answers
975 Consultations

1] I would like to know about the present lan ceiling for agricultural land prevailing on maharashtra .

The ceiling in Maharashtra for two crops is 7.28, one crop is 10.93 and 2.93 hectares for dry land

2] Whether a company/ partnership firm operating in the business of agriculture also comes under the ceiling act or they are exempted .

Company cannot hold agricultural land without relevant approvals under BTAL act 1948. Land ceiling act is applicable to all Land holders including company.

3] Does the government count all the lands held by an individual in different states under the land ceiling act or they are assessed saperately as per the ceilings of respective states .

All land held by a person, or as the case may be, a family unit whether in this State or

any other part of India in excess of the ceiling area, shall, notwithstanding anything

contained in any law for [he time being in force or usage, be deemed to be surplus..

land, and shall be dealt within the manner hereinafter provided for surplus land.

4] If a person has excess land than as mentioned in ceiling then what happen

Prohibition on holding land in excess of ceiling area and area in excess of ceiling

to be surplus lands

determining surplus land from the holding of a person, or as the case may be, of a

family unit, the fact that the person or any member of the family unit has died (on or

after commencement date or any date subsequent to the date on which the holding

exceeds the ceiling area, but before the declaration of surplus land is made in

respect of that holding) shall be ignored; and accordingly the surplus Land shall he

determined as if that person or as the ease may be, the member of a family unit hid

not died.

Explanation -. In calculating the ceiling area to be held in this Stale, and

determining the surplus land, the area of land in any other pa of India (being land

which a person or family unit is entitled to hold in such other part of India under any

law relating to ceiling on land.) shall be taken into consideration. Only land held in

this State may be declared as surplus.

T Kalaiselvan
Advocate, Vellore
88152 Answers
2382 Consultations

please reply to my 3rd query in which i mean to say is supoose i have 100 acres out of which 50 is in maharashtra and 50 in gujrat then will they be assessed individually?

All land held by a person, or as the case may be, a family unit whether in this State or

any other part of India in excess of the ceiling area, shall, notwithstanding anything

contained in any law for [he time being in force or usage, be deemed to be surplus..

land, and shall be dealt within the manner hereinafter provided for surplus land

What is the current land ceiling in gujrat state

for two crops it is 4.09 to 7.29 , for one crop it is 6.09 to 10.93 and for dry land it is12.14 to 18.21 hectares.

T Kalaiselvan
Advocate, Vellore
88152 Answers
2382 Consultations

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