you should inform the govt about your intention to sell your property
2) Every Govt. employee (other than a Group D employee) shall once in a year, submit in the prescribed form to the appointing authority a return of moveable and immovable property and other assets owned, acquired or inherited by him or any member of his family.
3) Rule 5: Obligations of a Govt. Employee :
ii. No Govt. employee shall, except with prior sanction of the appointing authority acquire of dispose of any immovable property by lease, mortgage sale, gift or otherwise either in his own name or in the name of any member of his family where such transaction is conducted otherwise than though a regular or reputed dealer. The same condition, shall apply in the case of sale or purchase of movable propertyexceeding
Rs. 5,000/- in value. The said amount raised to Rs. 10,000/- w.e.f. 1.4.2001 as per GO No.: 3571-F dt. 30.3.2001.
Note— The movable or immovable properties owned by The members of the family are either acquired from their own funds or inherited will not come under the provisions of these rules.