1) Agreed Lists will be prepared of officers of gazetted status
against whose honesty or integrity there are complaints, doubts or
suspicious after consultations between the officers of the Departments
concerned and of CBI.
2) The following action will be taken in respect of officers on these
agreed lists by the Departments or the Undertakings and by the C.B.I.:-
(I) Closer and more frequent scrutiny and inspection of their
work and performance by the Departments concerned,
particularly in spheres there is scope for discretion or for
showing favours.
(II) Quite check about their reputation both by the
Department and the C.B.I.
(III) Unobtrusive watch of their contracts style of living etc.
by the C.B.I
(IV) Secret enquiry by the C.B.I. about their assets and
financial resources. The Departments will make
available their property returns and other relevant
records to the C.B.I.
(V) Collection of information by the C.B.I. of specific
instances of bribery and corruption practices.
8. If these secrets checks and enquiries revel positive material,
open enquiries will be started by the C.B.I. and further action taken in
the light of the results of that enquiry. It may be emphasized that no
adverse or punitive action is contemplated against any officer on these
lists unless these checks, verifications or enquiries bring for the
adequate material to reasonably conclude that he is lacking in integrity.
These agreed lists will remain in force for one year from the date of
preparation. At the end of this period, the list will be reviewed and the
name of those officers against whom there is not sufficient evidence to
proceed against will be deleted from the list.
3) your name would be deleted from agreed list after one year if there is no sufficent evidence to proceed against you