1) you have not mentioned what was your salry and your designation with the company
2) if you are not a workmen you cannot move court and seek reinstatement or compensation
3) Section 25F, in the aforesaid chapter, reads as follows:
No workman employed in an industry who has been in continuous service for not less than one year under an employer, shall be retrenched by the employer until
(a) the workman has been given one month's notice in writing indicating the reasons for retrenchment and the period of notice has expired or the workman has been paid in lieu of such notice wages for the period of the notice:
Provided that no such notice shall be necessary, if the retrenchment is under an agreement which specifies a date for the termination of service;
(b) the workman has been paid, at the time of retrenchment, compensation which shall be equivalent to 15 days' average pay for every completed year of service or any part thereof in excees of six months; and
(c) notice in the prescribed manner is served on the appropriate Government.