Q1. Who does his share pass to? Can we claim a share in his property or does it go to our brother ?
The share of your unmarried brother who is reported to have died intestate shall first devolve on his mother being class I legal heir.
If she is not living then the intestate succession shall be with the class II legal heirs consisting surviving siblings i.e., brothers and sisters.
So you can seek your rightful share, if eligible.
Q2. My father died in january 2004.. Im sure i have some unequal share in this property .. Can some one please explain to me what is my exact share .. if the total share is 100%.. !!
If your father is reported to have died intestate then you may stake a claim for a legitimate share in that property but since he has already partitioned then you are left with no chance for that, however you may consult a local advocate with the copies of the relevant property documents for an opinion and suggestion.
Q3. Our mother passed away in 2008.. is there any chance our brother and fathers property passes to her and then we get an equal share.
Since your father's properties have been partitioned during his lifetime, the properties standing on his name as on the date of his death and if he is reported to have died intestate then you shall be having a right and interest for an equal share in that property alone.