You are eligible for Gratuity as you have completed five years of service in the organisation. If an employee works 240 days including paid holidays in a year, it is counted as one year continued service.
In ordinary course an employer should pay gratuity to its employee, when one retires or quits employment after serving the requisite period, within a reasonable time . If the employer fails to act then employee should demand the gratuity. Such demand if not met by the employer shall entitle the employee for payment of interest on the gratuity amount from the date of demand. If the employee does not demand the gratuity as prescribed in Payment of Gratuity Rules, the employee might not get the interest on late payment.
There is prescribed form which should be filled up and given to the employer. It is available in the Rules and you can also download from the net. If the employer does not pay even then, then you have to file a claim before the Authority under Payment of Gratuity Act which generally is Dy. Labour Commissioner/Assistant labour Commissioner of the area,.in the prescribed proforma, available in the Rules. He will adjudicate and issue a certificate for payment of the amount and send it to Dy collector to recover it as land revenue.