The intestate succession of the said property as narrated by your lawyer would be applicable to to Hindu succession act and may not apply to Shariat or Islamic succession law.
As per Muslim personal law (Sharia) or Islamic Laws of Inheritance, "Allah commands you regarding your children. For the male a share equivalent to that of two females.
This first principle which the Quran lays down refers to males and females of equal degree and class. This means that a son inherits a share equivalent to that of two daughters, a full (germane) brother inherits twice as much as a full sister, a son’s son inherits twice as much as a son’s daughter and so on.
In Islamic jurisprudence there are a total of twelve relations who inherit as sharers.
If there are any sons the share of the daughter(s) is no longer fixed because the share of the daughter is determined by the principle that a son inherits twice as much as a daughter. In the absence of any daughters this rule is applicable to agnatic granddaughters (son's daughters). The agnatic granddaughter has been made a Quranic heir (sharer) by Muslim jurists by analogy.
The list stretches too long. You may find a heir cropping up at a later date claiming his share in the property you have purchased it now.
Thus, better take a second opinion from a different layer before finalising the deal.